Cyber Insurance $250,000 helps you prevent a privacy data breach by providing you with resources to act proactively, allowing you to put systems and procedures into place to help reduce your exposures. Benefits include:
The Human Resources Module, which provides unlimited access to the education platform intended for applicants, employees, managers and owners. The HR Module is followed by the Information Security Module that includes important risk / self-assessment protocols and ISO information security policy templates (10) to help establish best practices.
Quite importantly, the above resources (None Risk Mitigation) are combined together with breach expense protection (up to $0). For more details, and action steps in the event of a breach, see our Response tab.
If a privacy data breach results in allegations of negligence and litigation, Cyber Insurance $250,000 offers cyber liability insurance protection, including coverage for claims expenses and defense costs, loss/theft of personal and/or business data, regulatory fines and penalties, failure to disclose/notify per breach notification laws, PCI fines/penalties ($250,000 sublimit), media liability, breach forensics, PR, notifications and more. Limit details include:
* The content herein provides summary information only. Insurance coverage is subject to specific terms, limitations and exclusions and may not be available in all states. Liability insurance is provided pursuant to your active membership in the Data Theft Risk Purchasing Group (RPG). Please note that there is a nominal fee of $1.00 per term for the RPG that is allocated to the RPG by the program administrator, Identity Fraud, Inc. from the proceeds of your purchase.
Nearly all states in the U.S. have enacted legislation requiring the notification of individuals affected by a privacy data breach. But a proper response often involves much more than notification. To assist with remediation, Cyber Insurance $250,000 includes 24/7 Incident Response On-Demand™ breach services that provides access to important resources and remedies essential to mitigating the fallout associated with breach incidents.
When you experience a breach, call: 1-844-432-LOCK (1-844-432-5625)
When responding to a breach, the Incident Response On Demand™ team will help you analyze the breach and help you strategize and implement your response, including helping individual customers activate credit monitoring tools and resolve their actual cases and/or concerns relating to identity theft.
Once again, the Cyber Liability Insurance policy provides loss mitigation breach response coverages intended for law firm/breach coach, PR firm, forensics, consumer notifications and consumer remedies for identity theft education and assistance, victim cost reimbursement insurance and credit file or identity monitoring. Separately, as part of Cyber Insurance $250,000, you’ll benefit from the None risk mitigation resources combined with its breach protection up to $0. This protection is intended for ebusiness network interruption and data reconstruction.
The content herein provides summary information only. None risk mitigation technologies and expense protection is provided pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of the IFI Customer Agreement and Breach Expense Protection Agreement.
¹ 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon.
² Cost of a Data Breach Report 2019, Ponemon Institute LLC.
³ “VIPRE Announces Launch of VIPRE Endpoint Security-Cloud Edition”, Business Wire, October 2, 2017.
Help protect your business and avoid becoming just another statistic.
Coverage is not available in NY. For accounts over $10MM in Sales/Revenues and/or 51 FTE (Full-Time Equivalent of employees), please call 1-844-432-LOCK (1-844-432-5625)
for custom pricing.
Coverage is not available for the following industries: banks, credit unions, payment processors, security/broker dealers, gambling, adult industry, social media/networking, and cloud service providers.
Cyber Insurance $250,000 | Cyber Insurance $500,000 | Cyber Insurance $1,000,000 | |
Business Cyber Liability Insurance
Liability insurance for privacy/cyber, regulatory, PCI, media, forensics, notifications and more. (More Details) |
$250,000 Limit |
$500,000 Limit |
$1,000,000 Limit |
This document provides summary information only. Insurance coverage is subject to specific terms, limitations and exclusions, and may not be available in all states. Liability insurance is provided pursuant to your active membership in the Data Theft Risk Purchasing Group (RPG), a purchasing group formed and operating pursuant to the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986 (15 USC 3901 et seq.) Please note that there is a nominal fee of $1.00 per term for the RPG that is allocated to the RPG by the program administrator, Identity Fraud, Inc., from the proceeds of your purchase.